AFC is set up for all English speakers around the world, who would like to learn the Chinese Mandarin Language.

This page is categorised into several levels, so please use the navigating column on the right to navigate to your lesson.

Before you start, please do make sure you know your hanyu pinyin. If you do not know yet, please proceed to the following website to get a headstart and spend a few hours learning pinyin.

All pinyin in this page is written in alphabet like the hanyu pinyin would. The tones will be written in numbers, with first tone as 1, second as 2, third as 3 and fourth as 4. For example, Zhāng would be written as Zhang1. Also, nǚ will be written as nv3. 

Do note that this page uses the Simplified Chinese script, which Mainland China and Singapore use.

If you are ready then go!

This page is a work in progress. Do check back for more lessons being added on over time. Thanks!